Cape May County High School
The Cape May County High School is the secondary component of the Cape May County Special Services School District, providing services to students from grades 9 through 12, and when appropriate to age 21. The high school serves multiply disabled students from Cape May County and surrounding counties, providing a full range of academic and vocational programs. Programs include Multiple Disabilities (MD), Emotional Regulation Impairment, Autism, etc. Instruction is designed in order to meet the individual needs of each student as per their Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Courses offered meet the state requirements for graduation and are aligned to New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Small group instructional settings, behavior management and crisis prevention strategies, comprehensive transition services, and a variety of vocational offerings provide a specialized educational environment. A state-of-the-art Media Center is located in the school. A three-station gymnasium, weight room, and swimming pool are integral parts of the health and physical education program.
It is our goal to provide programs that will assist students in obtaining the skills they need to enter the job market and be successful contributors to their community. With vocational offerings in such areas as carpentry, custodial services, business/retail, restaurant occupations, and specific job/ career classes based on students' interests and needs, students are prepared to enter the world of work. The Back Porch Cafe offers convenience store services and lunch in a restaurant setting.
Our Transition and School To Careers staff interface with community agencies including local businesses, the Division of Developmental Disabilities, and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to provide a wide variety of direct and related job site support services including job mentioning, shadowing, and job coaching. In addition, we utilize JEVS Human Services to enhance our programs and vocational classes.
The Community Based Instruction Program is available to students who have completed the academic requirements for graduation, and according to their transition plan, need support and job skills training in the workplace. These sites include Acme, Cape May County Park and Zoo, Shop-Rite, Congress Hall, etc.
The Outdoor Experiential Education (OXE) program provides students with innovative educational opportunities through a variety of outdoor and indoor activities in the community (such as hiking, camping trips, community recreation activities, and service projects). The OXE curriculum emphasizes the development of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and recreation skills. Experiences in the arts, leisure activities, homemaking, career awareness, and ecology are provided to each student.
Our Special Olympics Unified Sports Program competes against other districts in conjunction with Cape May TECH students. Our students compete in soccer, basketball, and track. The district also offers a number of after-school programs and assistance.
Related services are provided to students as per their IEP's. Speech and Language pathologists assist students in developing individualized, pragmatic communication skills through the use of highly specialized therapeutic techniques and augmentative communication systems. Occupational and physical therapies are provided to children by highly trained therapists with many years of experience working in the field of special education. Programs enhance the students’ sensorimotor integration through controlled sensory input and various motor activities. School Psychologists, learning disabilities teacher consultants, and social workers provide individual and group support, guidance, and counseling to students according to their individual needs.
The Cape May County High School offers an Extended School Year Program (ESY) each summer. This is a four-week session during which students continue to address the goals specified in their Individual Education Plans (IEP's). Determination of participation in ESY is made by the student’s IEP team.

Valerie Bowers
Director of Cape May County High School and Ocean Academy

Julia Fairfield
Supervisor of Cape May County High School and Ocean Academy